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Preprint Citation Index & Support - Web of Science Group
Researchers can now locate and link to preprints alongside other trusted content in the database, to streamline the research process and help make meaningful connections faster.
In academic publishing, a preprint is a version of a research paper or outcome publicly available in online repositories prior to peer review. Access to preprints in the Web of Science makes it quicker and easier for researchers to include them in their existing research workflows. It enables immediate access to up-to-date, aggregated and searchable preprints from selected repositories linked to author profiles.
At launch, the Preprint Citation Index provides nearly two million preprints from the arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv, and repositories. Papers from more than a dozen additional repositories will be added throughout 2023. Preprint records are discoverable alongside other scholarly output in the Web of Science and connected to final versions of record, where applicable. They are clearly marked in search results and not included in any citation metrics including Times Cited Counts or the Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF) within the Web of Science Core Collection™ or Journal Citation Reports™.