Our "Who's Citing Whom" page offers resources available to UMD faculty, students and staff to help them measure their scholarly impact.
There are traditional measures of scholarly activity document on the right hand side, but the advent of social media has introduced new concepts of citation and scholarly output based on links, mentions, and tags.
Here are some resources to get started with Altmetrics:
Google Scholar is one way to track citations. The searching capabilities of Google Scholar are not as precise as proprietary databases. If you're looking for a particular author, you may need to try a variety of searches.
To locate the advanced search, click next to the search button.
To determine which items index by Google Scholar have cited an article, click on Cited by X.
For individual faculty members, we recommend creating and personalizing your own profile. You can make a profile and associate your publications allowing you to make graphs and compute metrics of your impact.
UMD has a subscription to SCOPUS, a powerful tool for measuring research impact for faculty and staff members at UMD. This resource can demonstrate the impact of specific articles publishes, entire institutions and individual authors.
To begin measuring your personal impact, click on the author search page. Fields include LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, AFFILIATION and ORCID ID # as ways to narrow fields.
Once you have found your profile, you can see the output, number of citations and links to works held by UMD library, as well as graphs, citation overviews and other tools.
Below is a sample bar chart of documents vs. citations from 2012 to 2015.
Web of Science contains the three historical leaders in citation indexing: Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index. You can search all three index together or separately from the Web of Science interface.
The search features of Web of Science are very robust as are the sorting and filtering options of search results.
To locate papers by a particular author use the Author Finder.
Once you locate a citation of interest, you can export it to a bibliographic manager such as Zotero or Mendelay, view all indexed articles which cite the original, as well as create reports and maps which visualize citations over time.