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University of Minnesota

Kathryn A. Martin Library

Scholarly Publishing

What you need to know about journal impacts, acceptance rates, peer-review status, UMD's institutional repository, and who is citing whom.

About Eigenfactor is a project of Bergstrom Lab at the University of Washington. The goal of Eigenfactor is to rate a journal's importance to the scholarly community. Towards that goal, Eigenfactor gathers data from around the web, including Thomson Scientific's Journal Citation Reports, to compute two numbers: Eigenfactor score (EF) and article influence (AI).

Eigenfactor score (EF) is a measure of the "journal's total importance to the scientific community."

Article influence (AI) is "a measure of the average influence of each of its articles over the first five years after publication."


For more information on the methodology and data sources behind the rankings, see's FAQ.

Using Eigenfactor

How to search

Eigenfactor offers three methods of search: journal name, year, and ISI (Journal Citation Reports) Category. Choose the most appropriate method to find EF and AI scores for the publications indexed by 

Search results for journal name

You can click here to do a Journal Search with Eigen Factor

Below you can see the EF and AI rankings and percentiles for American Sociological Review for the year 2010. Historical graphs are included when data is available.

An image showing how results appear in Eigen factoring

Search results for publisher

Eigenfactor also allows for publisher searches if you want to see the scores for a certain publisher's titles. Below are the most recent EF and AI data for journals published by the American Sociological Association. 

An image showing a screen shot of the tables of eigen factorization

Eigenfactor Index of Open Access Fees

The Eigenfactor Index of Open Access Fees makes it easy for scholarly authors to engage in comparison shopping between scholarly OA journals. Be sure and check out the information page to understand data sources and methods behind this tool. The image to the right tells you how to read the data: High Article Influence (AI) and lower APC cost = "good deals."

Eigenfactor graph with link to eigenfactor website