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University of Minnesota

Kathryn A. Martin Library

Scholarly Publishing

What you need to know about journal impacts, acceptance rates, peer-review status, UMD's institutional repository, and who is citing whom.

Author Identifiers

What are author identifiers?

Author identifiers, such as ORCIDs, give you a way to reliably and unambiguously connect your names(s) with your work throughout your career, including your papers, data, biographical information, etc. This can be helpful in a number of ways:

  • Provides a means to distinguish between you and other authors with identical or similar names.
  • Links together all of your works even if you have used different names over the course of your career.
  • Makes it easy for others (grant funders, other researchers etc.) to find your research output.
  • Ensures that your work is clearly attributed to you.


  • Author Identifier Overview

    Post on PLoS Blogs provides a concise explanation of author identifiers.

  • Scientists: your number is up

    Brief article in Nature explaining the purpose and benefits of ORCID.

  • Name Identification Using the ISNI

    Interview about the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), another author identifier system.

Comparison of Author Identifiers


ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID)

Scopus Author Identifier
What is it?

Persistent digital identifiers for researchers

Automatically generated identifier number within Scopus
Integrated with... Open, non-profit community effort that has partnered with many universities, commercial research organizations, national funding agencies, publishers and professional societies
Create your own profile?   Yes No, but can request to merge profiles if you have multiple Author Identifiers
How do I add publications to my profile?

Import from partner organizations, e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, etc.

Import BibTex file of citations (export from Zotero to Bib Tex format)

Add via DOI, PubMed ID or ArcXiv ID

Enter manually

You can only request that changes be made to your profile

Add citations for ALL types of scholarly outputs, not just publications.

Add external identifiers, e.g. ResearcherID, Scopus Author Identifier

Link to other systems or profiles, e.g. NIH eRA Commons, SciENcv biosketch creation tool, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and others

You choose what information to make public


Provides citation metrics


Best used for...

Managing research activities and author identifiers in one place

Grant and manuscript submissions: many publishers and funding organizations have implemented or are planning to implement ORCID.

NIH now requires ORCID for certain awards.

Ensures that your publications are properly attributed in Scopus

Allows others to easily locate your publications in Scopus

Where can I get it?

Register for free at ORCID

Check profile at Scopus

Follow these instructions for requesting corrections to your profile

Comparison of Author Profile Sites



Google Scholar Citations Research Gate Mendeley

Profile and Author Identifier integrated into Scopus

Free to search but profile does not appear in mainstream search engines

Account automatically is created when author's first publication is indexed by Scopus

Profile Profile Profile Profile


No, only affliations and research interests Yes Yes Yes
Publication List Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Linked Publications Yes Yes Possible Possible Yes
Adding (semi) automatic Yes, only articles indexed by Scopus are included Yes (not always accurate) PubMed, IEEE, Cite Seer, BMC Crossref, Microsoft AS, PubMed, ArVix Available via many search engines and when RIS or BibTeX files are available
Includes metrics Yes Yes Yes No traditional metrics but does show page and document views Yes, but metrics are only visible to the profile owner
Social Media No No Yes Yes No