How to search
Journal Citation Reports is composed of two sub-databases: JCR Science Edition and JCR Social Sciences Edition. Online searches of JCR can go back to the 2003 edition at the earliest. Within each edition, you can search by subject, publisher, or country of publication; browsing of each sub-database is also supported. To search, selected an edition and then method of search from the options on the right.
Search results for journal name
Below you can see impact factor, immediacy index, cited half-life, and other JCR data as well as Eigenfactor metrics for the American Sociological Review from data compiled and analyzed in 2011. Clicking on the abbreviated journal title displays a detailed record for the title including some data used to calculate the rankings as well as graphs of the rankings over time.
Search results by subject
JCR also allows for publisher searches if you want to see the scores for a certain publisher's titles, as well as subject searches. Below are the most recent rankings data for journals published in the field of Sociology.