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University of Minnesota

Kathryn A. Martin Library

Scholarly Publishing

What you need to know about journal impacts, acceptance rates, peer-review status, UMD's institutional repository, and who is citing whom.

Your Rights as Author

You probably wouldn't purposely keep your research from a readership that might benefit from it. Yet when many authors sign traditional publication agreements they sign over all their rights - including copyright - to the publisher or journal.

University of Minnesota Libraries maintains a site explaining the copyright basics surrounding

More about Copyright in the UMD Copyright research guide?


Addenda to Retain Rights

Submit either of the addenda below with your copyright agreement to ensure that you retain certain rights.

Determine Copyright Policies of Journals

SHERPA/RoMEO is a freely accessible online database of publisher policies. Database content is contributed by SHERPA partners and community contributors.  

RoMEO summarizes and ranks publisher copyright policies according to four color-coded categories.  You can search RoMEO by publisher name, journal title, or ISSN. 

snapshot of SHERPA info on peer reviewed journal. Highlight details

For information on research funders' mandates and guidelines, see RoMEO's companion database, SHERPA/JULIET.