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University of Minnesota

Kathryn A. Martin Library

Communication Research Guide

Identifying Resources by Type


Scholarly Journals

Trade Magazines

Popular Magazines




Communicate research and scholarly ideas

Provide trends, information, and professional support to particular industry

Provide information and entertainment to general readers


Simple cover design, few images or ads. Some include charts, graphs, statistics

Images/advertisements relate to trade

Colorful, many images and lots of advertising


Experts in the field, Researchers. Author names, credentials, and institutional affiliation listed

Magazine staff or writers affiliated with the trade/industry. Often published by trade organization or assoc.

Journalists, freelance writers, magazine staff (names often not given)


Scholars, researchers, students

Practitioners in the field, members of a particular profession

General public

Article Length

Tend to be longer, may include research, in-depth analysis, very specific focus

Length varies

Typically shorter articles, from less than 1 page to several pages.


Original research, literary criticism and theory, literature review, in-depth analysis of topic

Articles about professional trends, new products or techniques, and industry-related news

Short, feature-length articles. News and general interest topics

Writing Style

Uses terminology, language and jargon relevant to the discipline

Technical, field-specific language used, assumes readers familiar with industry

Simple language used, written for general public




Articles typically include references, notes, works cited

Articles sometimes have references listed

References typically not listed


Shakespeare Quarterly

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Political Economy

Automotive News

Strategy & Business

 Advertising Age


Rolling Stone

Sports Illustrated

What is a Peer Reviewed Journal?

  • Your instructors may frequently require you to find peer-reviewed articles for your assignments. These can also be called academic journal articles or scholarly articles. 
  • Academic journals are how experts communicate with each other about what’s going on in their field.
  • Authors of articles are experts in the field who want to share their research findings with other experts. 
  • Before publication, the author’s peers review the article and evaluate it to decide if it should be published, revised, or rejected. While this process is designed to ensure that published articles meet high standards for quality, originality, and legitimacy, it still important to evaluate academic articles critically.