The ANSI standards are produced and/or approved and published by the American National Standards Institute. ANSI defines it's mission as:
"The Institute oversees the creation, promulgation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector: from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution, and many more. ANSI is also actively engaged in accrediting programs that assess conformance to standards – including globally-recognized cross-sector programs such as the ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environmental) management systems"
Frequently ANSI standards are jointly produced with another organziation. An example would be the ANSI/IEEE 1149.6-2003 Standard for Boundary-Scan Testing of Advanced Digital Networks. If an ANSI standard is a joint standard with IEEE or ASTM, then the UMD Library will have electronic access to these standards (through IEEE Xplore or ASTM).
The UMD Library has a small selection of ANSI Standards in paper. To search for them, you can go to the UMD Library Catalog and then type in the the standard number, i.e. ANSI B152.2-1982 or the name of the standard (try both ways, if need be). If the library does not own the standard, you can request it through interlibrary loan.
ASTM was previously the American Society for Testing and Materials.
You can search for ASTM online standards through the link below.
The UMD Library also has several sets of the annual standards. These are under the call numbers TA401.A653 and TA368.A653.
The Code of Federal Regulations or CFR defines itself as:
"The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each volume of the CFR is updated once each calendar year and is issued on a quarterly basis."
This database is provided by the government and therefore anyone may access and download a particular code or part of a code.
The UMD Library has paper the paper copy in the Reference area. The call number is REF KF70.A33.
There are several Electric Codes. The UMD Library has access to the paper copy (U.S. or NFPA) Electric Code. It is Chapter 70 of the National Fire Codes (REF TH9111 .N375a). The UMD Library has electronic access to the National Electrical Safety Code (which is an explanation of the National Electric Code). To access this item, go to the IEEExPLORE through the UMD Library and then type in National Electrical Safety Code. You must be a current UMD student, faculty, or staff to access this material when you are not in the library.
There is also the International Electric Code pubished by the ICC. A copy is on order for the UMD Library.
Both titles are referenced in the Minnesota Building Codes.
IEEE or the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers is an organization for engineers. It publishes a large number of journals and trade magazines as well as creates and publishes standards. The UMD library has access to all current and some historical IEEE standards (and joint standards).
To access the standards, go to the IEEE Xplore through the UMD Library. Type in the keywords or a standard number. It also can also save time if you go further down the page and under Content Type, click on the Standards box. This will allow you to limit something to just standards and not articles or conference preoceedings about a standard. You must be a current student, faculty, or staff to access this material when you are not in the library.
The International Standards Institute (ISO) defines itself thusly:
"ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.
ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 162 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system.
ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. On the one hand, many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. On the other hand, other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations. "
The two best known sets are ISO 9000 which is about quality management and ISO 14000 that deals with environmental management.
Check the UMD Library catalog to search for an ISO standard but we have very few of the standards although we have a number of books and journal articles that interpret an ISO standard.
MIL-SPEC is short for Military Specifications. The U. S. military uses standards. Sometimes they conform to say, an ANSI standard, and sometimes the standard is unique to the military - or a particular branch of the military.
Some Mil-Specs are free and others have to be purchased (or gotten through Interlibrary Loan). You can go to ASSIST and if you use the quick search to check for a specific mil-spec (and sometimes it is free .pdf) you don't have to register.
The 2020 Minnesota Building Code and related codes are available online.
The National Fire Code is produced by the National Fire Protection Association. The Fire Code is made up of over 300 standards including, among others, the National Electric Code and the Life Safety Code. The UMD Library has several editions of the National Fire Code. The most recent is kept in Reference (REF TH9111 .N375a ).
SAE International is the current name of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Aerospace standards are also part of the responsibility of this group.
The UMD Library's most recent set of SAE standards is 2003. It is located in the Reference area with the call number: REF TL 151 .S62. We also have a 1993 and a 1994 set of standards in the Circulating Collection on the 4th floor with the call number: TL 151 .S62.
SAE standards are hard to get, but if you really need one, try to get it through Interlibrary Loan.
United States Green Building Council
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a voluntary, consensus-based, market-driven program that provides third-party verification of green buildings.
There are various levels of certification, the highest being platinum, followed by gold, then silver, and finally, certified (the lowest level).