In order to find books, you can search the library catalog:
The catalog also contains ebooks, DVDs, videos, government documents, music recordings, scores, and teaching materials.
You can browse these general call number areas on the 4th floor of the library to find art and design-related books:
- N Visual Art
- NA Architecture
- NB Sculpture
- NC Illustration, Drawing, Posters, Commercial Art, Graphic Art
- ND Painting
- NE Print Media (woodcuts, lithography, aquatint, etc.)
- NK Graphic Design, Ceramics, Textiles, Antiques, Arts and Crafts
- NX Multimedia, or studies of more than one medium in the same book
- TR Photography
- TS Industrial Design
- Z 246, 250 Typography
If the library doesn't hold a book you're looking for, you can search WorldCat here:
Use WorldCat to find books, journals, articles, maps, music scores, sound recordings, films, theses/dissertations, machine-readable data files, and any other materials available in libraries worldwide. Request items through Interlibrary Loan using the ILLiad link on each item's record.