News and magazine articles are great for background reading and getting a broad understanding of your topic and the stakeholders involved. They are generally written for a wide audience and are much easier to read than most academic articles.
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends aligned with all curricular areas from credible, vetted, international, national and local news sources. Includes over 100 Minnesota sources, including the Duluth News Tribune.
Minnesota newspapers made freely available by the Minnesota Historical Society.
If the article is not available in full-text within the database click the icon (available in many of the database) to help you retrieve the full-text article. Another window will open to UMD Library Catalog.
After clicking the UMD Find It icon, if the article is not available online or in the library, UMD Library Catalog will say "Check availability":
If you need assistance contact a librarian.
Do you have more questions about FindIt? Check out this video from UMN Libraries on the subject