Capital IQ is a resource for financial data, analytics, and research. The web-based platform combines deep information on public and private companies, markets, and people worldwide with robust tools for analysis, idea generation, and workflow management.
Access Note: To obtain access, you will need to be registered for a personal account with Capital IQ. Need an account? Please contact our Business Librarian, Ian Moore, at to request a Capital IQ account.
Comprehensive market research database incorporating research analysis and detailed statistics of global markets and consumers. Its emphasis is on consumer-related industries across more than 200 countries and regions.
Hundreds of economic and social indicators, with 40 years of data for some series, for every country in the world.
Comprehensive market research database incorporating research analysis and detailed statistics of global markets and consumers. Its emphasis is on consumer-related industries across more than 200 countries and regions. is now the primary platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau, including the American Community Survey, the American Housing Survey, The Decennial Censuses (10 year surveys), Economic Census and Census Bureau surveys.
Hundreds of economic and social indicators, with 40 years of data for some series, for every country in the world.
Find information on specific banks, their branches, and the industry.
Download detailed data on topics including consumer credit, industrial production, and interest rates.
Digital library of U.S. economic, financial, and banking history—particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System.
Hundreds of thousands of economic data time series from scores of national, international, public, and private sources.
Portals and dynamic visualization showcasing the following datasets: International Financial Statistics, Balance of Payment Statistics, Government Finance Statistics, and Direction of Trade Statistics.
Provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the International Data Base is a series of estimates and projections that provide a consistent set of demographic indicators, including population size and growth and components of change for more than 200 countries and areas.
The International Data Base can also be viewed as a map.
One of the International Monetary Fund's principal statistical datasets, containing country data for most Fund members. Available indicators normally include a country's exchange rates, international liquidity, monetary statistics, interest rates, prices, production, and more.
Comprehensive market research database incorporating research analysis and detailed statistics of global markets and consumers. Its emphasis is on consumer-related industries across more than 200 countries and regions.
Platform used to analyze financial data from global equity and fixed income markets. Coverage includes data on ownership and private equity and venture capital investments.
Capital IQ is a resource for financial data, analytics, and research. The web-based platform combines deep information on public and private companies, markets, and people worldwide with robust tools for analysis, idea generation, and workflow management.
Access Note: To obtain access, you will need to be registered for a personal account with Capital IQ. Need an account? Please contact our Business Librarian, Ian Moore, at to request a Capital IQ account.
Comprehensive market research database incorporating research analysis and detailed statistics of global markets and consumers. Its emphasis is on consumer-related industries across more than 200 countries and regions.
Capital IQ is a resource for financial data, analytics, and research. The web-based platform combines deep information on public and private companies, markets, and people worldwide with robust tools for analysis, idea generation, and workflow management.
Access Note: To obtain access, you will need to be registered for a personal account with Capital IQ. Need an account? Please contact our Business Librarian, Ian Moore, at to request a Capital IQ account.