North Country Women's Coffeehouse records, 1981-2008 Date Range: 1981 - 2008 Collection Description:
The collection contains articles of incorporation and bylaws, financial statements, flyers, promotional and biographical material from performers, posters, and local and national pamphlets and publications. Most of the materials date from 1981 to about 1992. Materials available online: Not available online. Access Notes: These materials are available for use at the UMD Archives and Special Collections. For more information or to make an appointment, email or call (218) 726-8526.
Aurora Northland Lesbian Center records Date Range: 1988 - 2012 Collection Description: The collection contains articles of incorporation; by-laws; updated mission statements; organizational policies and procedures; board minutes and accompanying materials including some financial statements, 1990-2009; newsletters, 1989-1994; letters; and news clippings. Materials available online: Not available online. Access Notes: These materials are available for use at the UMD Archives and Special Collections. For more information or to make an appointment, email or call (218) 726-8526.
Robert J. Jansen papers Date Range: 1949-2001 Collection Description: The collection consists of family papers and photographs, organization records, and business records. The papers span Jansen’s life from grade school through college, political activities of the 1990s, Janzen's activism as a gay man, teaching career from Cal State Fresno through The College of St. Scholastica including the CSS grievance over tenure (1982-1983), the beginnings of his gay bar The Main Club, and the purchase and renovation of a Victorian house (his home in Duluth (1215 East Second Street) which was featured in a tour of the Duluth Preservation Alliance in 1995. Materials available online: Not available online. Access Notes: These materials are available for use at the UMD Archives and Special Collections. For more information or to make an appointment, email or call (218) 726-8526.
UMD GLBT Advisory Commission Files #1114 Date Range: 1991 - 2005 Materials available online: Not available online. Access Notes: These materials are available for use at the UMD Archives and Special Collections. For more information or to make an appointment, email or call (218) 726-8526.
Resources at the College of St. Scholastica
The College of St. Scholastica Archives Date Range: 1903 - present Collection Description: No separate name is given, but as this is a Catholic college, there are some unique albeit limited materials on the LGBTQIA community.
Materials in the Archives include historical documents, student publications such as newspapers and yearbooks, college publications such as catalogs and magazines, and departmental and committee documents. The archives also contains over 150,000 images including photographs, slides, and negatives and recordings both audio and visual. The 300+ recordings have all been digitized in order to preserve them from obsolete formats. Materials available online: College publications (1903 to present), photographs (1909 to present) Access Notes: These materials are open for viewing. Advance notification is strongly encouraged so someone will be able to assist you. Please email librarian Heidi Johnson who volunteers for the Archives at or call the Library (218-723-6140) for further help.