The Library can retrieve books from any University of Minnesota Library and deliver them to the Circulation Desk for you to pick up.
is a service which provides paging service for all registered UMD Library users, with U-wide paging and lending available to students, faculty, and staff.
Get It offers students, faculty, and staff the ability to manage renewals through My Account on the Library Web site. You can search the University of Minnesota All Campus Catalog to check the holdings throughout the UM system and then select the "Find or Request" tab and then "Sign in to Request" and click on to order an available copy or recall one that is checked out. The item will be shipped via courier if coming from another campus location.
Find additional information at our Get It information page.
Use MedlinePlus to learn about the latest treatments, look up information on a drug or supplement, find out the meanings of words, or view medical videos or illustrations. MedlinePlus links to the latest medical research on your topic or find out about clinical trials on a disease or condition.
Training materials:
Scholarly journals, popular magazines and other resources covering most disciplines. A great place to start your research on any topic.
Scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals covering most disciplines.
Resource Guide PDF Video Tutorials
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends aligned with all curricular areas from credible, vetted, international, national and local news sources. Includes over 100 Minnesota sources, including the Duluth News Tribune.
Use these sources and limit the Document Type to Interview.
Scholarly journals, popular magazines and other resources covering most disciplines. A great place to start your research on any topic.
Scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals covering most disciplines.
Resource Guide PDF Video Tutorials